Fat Loss Success Stories

06: Strategic Workouts: Exercise is for Everyone

• Veronica Hugger & Le Bergin

In this episode with FASTer Way to Fat Loss certified coach, Le Bergin, we discuss the workouts that are strategically and uniquely paired with our nutritional intake. Basically, on low-carb days, we do high-intensity interval training, and the important weight training workouts are done on days we consume carbohydrates. 

Speaking of carbs, be sure to listen to the end of this episode to learn about the donut! 🍩 

Other topics discussed:

  • Modifications
  • Efficiency of the workouts
  • Bone density
  • Fighting the vicious cycle
  • Progress over perfection

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Check out these FREE resources:
Fat Loss Quiz
How to Lose Belly Fat FAST
Beginner’s Guide to Counting Macros
Introductory Guide to Intermittent Fasting
Sugar Detox Guide
Carb Cycling
What are MACROS and Why Do We Track Them?