Fat Loss Success Stories
I'm your host, Veronica Hugger, who at the age of 53 was ready to give up. I was living an unsustainable lifestyle of deprivation diets and endless exercise and not seeing the results I wanted or deserved. The strategy of "eat less" move more" was not working! By learning the FASTer Way of nutrition and fitness, I now live a 'healthstyle' which encourages me to eat right and motivates me to exercise efficiently. I eat more food now than ever! My FASTer Way coach continues to work with me so I have access to a personal trainer who manages my progress, answers my questions, and inspires me.
I was persuaded to try the FASTer Way after listening to stories from others who continue to succeed on the program. Over 440,000 people have gone through the FASTer Way starter program, so there are lots of success stories! On this podcast, you’ll hear conversational interviews with people with various relatable stories of struggle and success. And FASTer Way to Fat Loss Head Trainer, Le Bergin, helps explain the strategies of the program and offer helpful tips.
Just like someone else’s success story inspired me, sharing more success stories has the potential to encourage others to embrace and experience a healthier lifestyle…a “healthstyle”. And their shared stories will educate you, inspire you, and encourage you to accomplish your goals and to write your own Fat Loss Success Story!
If you're on the FASTer Way and ready to share your story, contact me to be on the show!

Fat Loss Success Stories
12: Graced Health with Amy Connell
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Amy Connell is 45 and married with two teenage boys living in Houston, TX. She been a personal trainer for 15 years and hosts the podcast Graced Heath. Through her podcast and blog, she fulfills her mission to encourage women to strive for balanced, sustainable health.
At the time of our interview, Amy was in the final week of the FASTer Way 6-week starter program. The Starter Program is like a nutrition and fitness boot camp. It’s how you learn the strategies that make the FASTer Way work and put them into practice with the guidance and one-on-one support of a certified coach. It’s how you learn the importance of non-scale victories and the FASTer Way mantra: progress over perfection.
So why would a personal trainer like Amy want to join such a program? As she explains, she has adjusted her workouts to correspond with her age, but she wanted to know how to feed her changing and active body the nutrients it needs.
Amy is being proactive about her health and she’s found that the FASTer Way gives her what she’s looking for: a sustainable nutrition and fitness approach that offers the grace she needs to fulfill her health goals.
Amy’s links:
Graced Health on Instagram
Graced Health on Facebook
Healthy Skoop - plant-based protein
Amy’s episodes with FWTFL certified coach, Kandice Harris:
Part 1 before the starter program
Part 2 review and experience after the starter program
Podcasts Amy recommends:
Everything Happens podcast
All About Fitness Podcast
Check out these FREE resources:
Fat Loss Quiz
How to Lose Belly Fat FAST
Beginner’s Guide to Counting Macros
Introductory Guide to Intermittent Fasting
What are MACROS and Why Do We Track Them?